Water vs Temperature
Hello, friends here i'm going to tell you, how the behavior of water changes with respect to temperature .
We have seen that every liquid expand in volume on heating but there is another situation in case of water because water has HYDROGEN BONDING and have DIPOLE MOMENT.
now,in the case of water, when water is heated from 0 to 4 degree Celsius it's volume decreases and after 4 degree Celsius it's volume start to increase.
Due to this phenomenon, in our every day life we can see the natural secrets.
Now using this phenomenon ,
i'm going to tell you a number of natural effects.
Density of water
since we know that at 4 degree celsius the volume of water is minimum,it means that at 4 degree celsius the density of definite mass of the water is maximum (1.000 gram per cm cube).
The graph is shown below.............
it is clear from the graph that from 0 to 4 degree celsius density of water increases and max at 4 degree celsius, on further increasing the temperature volume increases and so density decreases.
due to this fact the volume of ice cube is greater than water liquid.
therefore the density of water is greater than ice.
why the fishes not die on freezing the lake
In winter seasons air temp decreases to 0 or minus degree celsius due to this water start to freeze of ponds. Now slowly slowly cold water from surface move to bottom of pond(cold water is heavier than hot water) this process is continued till the temperature is falls to 4 degree celsius of whole pond.
when the temperature of water surface start to fall from 4 degree celcius then the density of water start to decrease.
IF ANY SUBSTANCE HAS LESS DENSITY THAN WATER THEN IT WILL FLOW ON SURFACE OF WATER.Now the water is changing into ice and due to less density the ice will flow on the surface
SINCE WE KNOW THAT ICE IS INSULATOR FOR HEATtherefore coldness from air could not come into water because ice is on surface of water
hence the water under ice is in liquid state
Hence fishes do not die in winter season while the lake or pond is freezed.
In winter rocks crack itself,why???????????
Due to the rain water enters in the rocks from holes and small cracks and in cold season when water freezes then due to expansion in volume of water rocks crack itself.
This phenomenon works behind the these facts also............
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