Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson (scientist) =="It was not until recently that we had any what the structural integrity of comets or asteroids actually is.....we don't really know how tightly held together these things are." COMETS Astronomers devided comets into two general categaries -1.short per...
MOON and TIDES of EARTHज्वार-भाटा और चाँद का इससे सम्बन्ध The mooon is the main reason why oceans have tides;the moon's gravity has stronger influence on the side of earth nearest to it, and it draws earth's water towards it ever so slightly ,which causes daily tides. May be you have noticed that tide runs higher during the FULL-MOON but it is not the moon's phase that causes that. the moon's tidle effects depend only on its mass and its distance from earth,which stay almost constant no matter its phase. So what makes high tides get even higher ? It is to do with the sun. The sun has also have gravitational pull on earth ,although a little less than half that of the moon. ...