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Showing posts from May, 2019

Bernoulli's Theorem

Floating of Ping-Pong Ball on  water jet & air jet The principal  behind floating of a ping -pong ball is based on  BERNOULLI'S THEOREM now i am  going to tell you the whole principal behind this phenomenon. pin-pong ball placing on air jet First to understand this phenomenon, we should to look upon BERNOULLI'S THEOREM BERNOULLI'S THEOREM        This theorem is like energy conservation principle.   "When a non-compressible and non-viscous Liquid or Gas flow like linear current motion, then  at any point of it's path the TOTAL ENERGY (sum of pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy) of liquid or gas  remains constant."                                      It is the BERNOULLI'S THEOREM now the the conclusion comes out that            "the side where the velocit...

Science behind rotating ball

Magnus effect how a cricket spinner spin the ball?? Players of TENNIS and CRICKET often feels that, when a ball is thrown then it does not follow a straight line but it follows a curved path, WHY???                                                      i'll explain it,why a cricket ball follows a curved path. when a ball is thrown then an effect works behind it called  MAGNUS  EFFECT i'll explain it by a figure so that i can make it easier    The movement of ball on curved path is called SWING .  When a, thrown ball moves ahead,then empty space  left behind  the ball is  filled by the air rapidly. Let the air velocity is "v" (air going to fill the empty) If the ball is spining with velocity "u" then the air around the ball is also moving with velocity "u" Then as shown...


                                                  HOW TO READ A B OOK???       when you buy a book ,and come to home and start to read the book from first page to last page,then this is not a proper way to read books,                                                         Because,you start the book with eagerness to read but very soon you will be bored because you are reading like a machine and humans are not machine. i will tell you proper way to read books in following way so that you could read and get more  idea and knowledge from the books. 1-first take book in your hands and feel it by closing your eyes and be with peace mind. 2-if you are going to read an Ebook,th...


Be carefull in Varanasi. if you have never visit Varanasi then you should to remember these things that i'm going to tell you.... 1.If you are at midnight and you wants stay in any lodge then you should go varanasi railway station (cantt) and then you have to move just opposite from that place.Now you will find 3 to 4 street before you and now the most important thing that YOU SHOULD BEWARE OF thug person who are searching for such person in critical situation,don't talk to them,they will you many types of greeds. 2You should go direct to counter of lodge and talk to them about your lodging if get approximately good deal then go ahead, otherwise visit another lodge beside them and get a great stay. (these all advice are only for those who could not find a good hotel online in low prise.